Nature Paradise Jardin & Cocora Valley

Colombia Nature Paradise Jardin & Cocora Valley Nature Paradise Jardin & Cocora Valley September 2023 We left Medellín heading south and for Jardin. Jardin (the garden) is a beautiful colorful village surrounded by imposing mountains, beautiful nature and lots of coffee and plantain plantations. The village is located in the Colombian coffee zone (eje cafetero) […]
Medellín – City of Eternal Spring

Colombia Medellín – City of Eternal Spring Medellín – City of Eternal Spring August 2023 We continued on our way towards Medellín, swapping the eastern Cordillera for the western one and passing through the lowlands that lie between them, and even though the mountains disappeared for a while, the landscape did not become any more […]
The Highland on and off the Beaten Track

Colombia The Highland On and Off the Beaten Track The Highland On and Off the Beaten Track August 2023 The Santander region showed its best side as we made our way to Las Gachas. In the background the higher mountains are never far away but because of the foreground driving here makes so much fun. […]
Paragliding in Chicamocha Canyon

Colombia Paragliding in Chicamocha Canyon Paragliding in Chicamocha Canyon August 2023 Bucaramanga is famous for paragliding and we were planning to take a flight here. High above the city, which has a population of 1.3 million, we found a pitch for our campervan. The sun slowly set over the city and soon everything was lit […]
On The Road Again – Sierra Nevada

Colombia On the road again – Sierra Nevada On the road again – Sierra Nevada August 2023 It took us forever before we could leave the busy streets of Cartagena behind us. Although Centro Historico and the colorful narrow streets of the Getsemani district are certainly worth a visit, for now we certainly are not […]
Cartagena, Dengue & Snorkeling

Columbia Cartagena, Dengue & Snorkeling Cartagena, Dengue & Snorkeling August 2023 So our camper was on its way to Colombia by ship and in the meantime we had flown from Panama to Cartagena by plane. Since the arrival of the campervan was still about two weeks away, we had plenty of time to see the […]
Adiós & Goodbye Central America!

Panamá Adiós & Goodbye Central America! Adiós & Goodbye Central America! August 2023 Before driving back to Panama City we visited the Parque Nacional Altos de Campana. At the parking lot where a number of hikes began it turned out that an entrance ticket was necessary which, according to the parking attendant, had to be […]
El Valle de Anton – Village in a Crater

Panamá El Valle de Anton – Village in a Crater El Valle de Anton – Village in a Crater July 2023 Sarigua National Park is a landscape you would not expect at all in a country like Panama in Central America. The sandy plain of Sarigua was created after this entire area was deforested in […]
Hiking in the Panamanian Rainforest

Panamá Hiking in the Panamanian Rainforest Hiking in the Panamanian Rainforest July 2023 The border crossing from Costa Rica to Panama went without any noteworthy events. As usual, it was mostly patience and going through a number of different offices. After our passports were brightened up a little more with some colourful stamps, we were […]
Wildlife At Its Best @ Osa Peninsula

Costa Rica Wildlife At Its Best @ Osa Peninsula Wildlife At Its Best @ Osa Peninsula July 2023 We were off to the coast, this time it was the Pacific coast again. The final highlight of our stay in Costa Rica was waiting for us, and that was the Osa Peninsula. On the way, we […]