One of the highlights of Guatemala is the active volcano with the wonderful name El Fuego (the fire). Due to its activity, it is not possible to climb to the summit. However, you can climb its neighbor, the Acatenango volcano, and of course we didn’t want to miss out on that. The ascent starts from the small village of La Soledad. The drive there from Lago Atitlan was once again a long one. A thousand bends, road works, bad roads, roadblocks – a bit of everything. In between, the road suddenly disappeared and we had to cross a river.

The last four kilometers were marked as a hiking trail in our navigation system and we weren’t sure whether we would make it with our car. We asked a Collectivo driver and he said without hesitation “si, no problema“. In the end, it was just another gravel road, but it was easy to drive on and so we arrived at Parqeo El Amigo just before nightfall. We ended up in the middle of dogs and chickens on the farm of Hector and his family.