We had deliberated for a while whether to drive the detour through Lake Ontario, to see Niagara Falls. After all, it was an extra stretch of at least 500 kilometers. However, after some studying of the travel guide, we found other beautiful things around Lake Ontario and so decided to do it.
The first stop was Thousand Island National Park. A national park that is shared with the United States since the border runs right through it. Suitable places for us to sleep in this area are not many. On this trip we already had found a number of nice places. But we will soon forget the night in Mallorytown Onroute, a rest area along the highway. Somehow truck drivers don’t turn off their engines so all that noise makes it hard to get to sleep.
The islands are easy to see from the scenic Thousand Island Parkway, but getting to the islands themselves is a bit trickier. Renting a kayak did not fit into our budget in terms of rental fees. So we decided to take it easy and did two short hikes. At Landon Bay, we went in search of the osprey nest and found it after a bit of searching. Apparently there were eggs in the nest. The female was sitting on them and the male was flying around and providing food. Below the nest, a number of beavers were swimming around and the mosquitoes also remained loyal to us.