The ocean, so beautifully colored orange by the sun last night, had now completely disappeared in the fog. It was rainy and cold. On our way to the Montana de Oro State Park where we planned to stay for a day or two, we soon passed the only highlight of the day, a colony of elephant seals that had appropriated a private beach here and were pretending it was Sunday. Laze about.
From relatively close quarters, you can get a really good look at these giant beasts here. An estimated 50 were lying on the beach, most of them were not moving. Only the younger sea elephants shuffled back and forth through the sand looking for a play partner to pass the time with. The pelicans played with the wind, flying in groups of three along the surf in search of treats while we fled back to the car. Fortunately, the car was parked so that we had a good view of what was happening on the beach dry from behind the glass.